Tveice Rīgā I (Swelter in Riga I)

Tveice Rīgā I (Swelter in Riga I)
Patrīcija Brekte, 2010

Another striking image out of Latvia -- women with beers patiently waiting out the summer heat in the country's capital city.

Ar vainadziņu (The Wreath)

Ar vainadziņu (The Wreath)
Inta Dobraja, 1992/2001


Karlis Dobrajs, 1982

One of Karlis' earlier paintings has nice form and setting, with the face curiously in the shadows.

Ieva (Eve)

Ieva (Eve)
Karlis Dobrajs, 1993

Interestingly, Inta's painter husband also does a lot of female portraits and nudes, but I'm not at all persuaded by any of them -- ethereal floating creatures in glowing light. This portrait of one of his best, probably because of the way he's done the texture of her hair!


Inta Dobraja, 1992

Another lovely from Latvian artist Inta Dobraja.

Šuvējas (Seamstresses)

Šuvējas (Seamstresses)
1989, Inta Dobraja

Another painting from Latvian artist Inta Dobraja. I guess this is how you make clothes when you don't have clothes? Whimsical and well-lit.


1988, Inta Dobraja

Info from; it seems Latvians Inta and Karlis Dobrajis have a whole series of beautiful paintings, and have been developing their art as a couple for years. I'll feature these for the next few days.

J'adore les serpents (Myrtille Henrion Picco)

J'adore les serpents 
Myrtille Henrion Picco, 1989

Eye-catching hair; more from this artist's blog here.

une beauté orientale

une beauté orientale (a beatiful oriental) 
Henriette Brown, 1861

Figuration Feminine provides me with another beautiful portrait by Henriette Browne, this one of a woman in Ottoman garb.